Investors keep their focus on logistics.
As claimed by CBRE in the study called “Investor Intentions”, logistics is the third most attractive asset class for national and international investors, surpassed only by hotels and offices.
In a press release, World Capital notes that in 2019 the number of logistic real estate investments in Italy rose by about 54% compared to 2017. It is interesting to note that Italy represents 14% of all European real estate investments.
Among the latest remarkable operations of the sector there are the last acquisitions performed by Kryalos SGR through the fund Aphrodite, specialized in Last-Mile logistic assets, thanks to which the Fund now has 42 real estate under management, most of which are located in North Italy.
Among the most relevant factors of growth of this sector, is the application of the so-called “omnichannel”, which requires an efficient application of supply chains, and the success of e-commerce. This new purchase behaviour has, in fact, made it necessary to set up these assets close to big cities in order to satisfy consumers, who are getting more and more demanding. For this reason, last-mile assets are the most attractive for investors and will face significant growth in the future.